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Balance of Nature is located in St George, Utah. The address of the company headquarters is:

785 E Venture Dr

Saint George, UT 84790-7899

Balance of Nature’s corporate offices and manufacturing plant are all at this same location.

There may be a few other offices across the country but according to and the Balance of Nature BBB page this the only location I can find. It actually took me a bit of time to find the address.

Balance of Nature’s Google listing doesn’t show an address either. It’s curious that the address is hard to find and makes it feel like a small or offshore company. Which is not the case. Balance of Nature is a USA based company and manufactures their product in Utah. Balance of Nature’s address does also show on all their invoices. Adding their address to their website and google listing seems like a simple and standard solution, I’m not sure why they haven’t done it.

What is Balance of Nature’s phone number?

Balance of Nature’s phone number is 1-800-246-8751.